The Images Of Noise

Four Berlin artists play a game based on the surealsitic model of the Cadavre Exquis.
The result is four image variations, where each artist starts a sequence and works together in an iterative process. The result will be shown in the coming weeks, as loops and in a live performance at our 48h NK residence base.

Small insights and development processes will be documented here and finally presented as a project.

Part G / C

Part A / D

artists involved in the game

rhythm ø

experimental vj. exploring the obscure and anarchic. annihilating the archaic. focusing with a feminist gaze. desiring to queer perceptions.


Grit Kit is a visual artist playing in the fields of traditional media and creative technology. She enjoys exploring interactive formats enabling participation and questioning the division of creators and recipients.
fb insta web

Jitter Horse


Earth, the last frontier of the human abyss. These are the DasS travels. To explore human worlds. To start new lives. Courageous to go where a human has been before 😉
soundcloud web

The Nepalese marmot digs in the flower box